$395.00 USD

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Do the (enjoyable) inner work that is necessary for magnetizing the relationship that is in alignment for you.

What you'll get:

  • 4+ Hours of Video Lessons

    In-depth lessons on concepts and practices that will help you to master the dating game.

  • Guided Practices

    To integrate the teachings and support you in doing the inner work that sets you up for the relationships that you want.

  • Workbooks

    To guide you along your process as you deepen your understanding of yourself and how to date in a way that brings you towards the right people for you.

There are no refunds on this course. 




What People Are Saying:

"After this course, I can handle the woman who I actually want. Who’s actually a match for my essence and my true self."


"Two weeks ago I had nothing in the realm of women, now I literally don’t know how to pick. The energy I put out is different and they respond to me so differently than before. "
