Welcome to the Kitchen

What would you like to taste?

Here you'll find my

Free gifts.

Go ahead and have a try and see what you like.

From there you can decide what you want to explore more deeply. 


Welcome to the Kitchen

What would you like to taste?

Here you'll find my

Free gifts.

Go ahead and have a try and see what you like.

From there you can decide what you want to explore more deeply. 


8 Keys for Sexual Mastery

A lecture explaining the eight keys to incorporate for mastery and control of your sexual energy. 

For those of you with cocks. 

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Morning PracticeĀ 

A free guided 20 minuteĀ recording specifically designed to support men inĀ startingĀ the day with clarity, embodiment, focus & intention.

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Emergency Break

A guided 15 minute practice & pattern interrupt for those moments when you feel the urge to watch porn and want to make another choice. 

For everyone.

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